About Me



Through my personal process, I have learned how to help others to look at the situations of daily life and life in general from a broader perspective, starting from the vision that each one does the best they can (determined by their level of consciousness), that we are co-creators of everything we experience, that what we call “punishment” or “failure” does not exist, that there are only “learning”, that we do not realize that we are great judges of ourselves. For this reason, we go through life judging others.

Our ultimate purpose is to learn to Love.

The recognition in me of that part of what many call God, Divinity, Source (name it whatever you want), has helped me to strengthen myself as an individual, to be more in connection with my body, with my loved ones (alive or in spirit), with the environment; It has helped me to have a clearer vision of how life works… That is why my intention is to help those interested in recognizing that essential part and living life from the best version of themselves.

I have studied and received training inside and outside the United States in: Usui Reiki, Spiritual Response Therapy, Akashic Records, Mediumship, Therapy with the Hebrew Pendulum and interpretation of the Tarot cards, Angels and Oracle.

“When looking for energy-work healing it is important to make sure the practitioner is knowledgeable, skilled and a genuine spiritual advisor… “   

Get In Touch

+1 (832)880 2626
